Why Milk Protein Is Better Than Plant Proteins like Soy, Pea, Rice and Hemp Protein - todo

Why Milk Protein Is Better Than Plant Proteins like Soy, Pea, Rice and Hemp Protein

todo is a high fiber, high protein drink with a base of 2% milk and powered by milk protein

Quite simply, we believe and know that milk protein is a complete protein better than any other protein source out there.

What are complete proteins? 

Milk protein is classified as a "complete" protein because it contains all 9 essential amino acids in adequate proportions. This completeness is crucial for supporting muscle repair, immune function, and overall wellness.

Examples of other complete proteins include: 

    1. Eggs: Often referred to as the gold standard for protein quality.

    2. Quinoa: A plant-based complete protein that's also high in fiber.

    3. Soy: One of the few plant-based complete proteins, found in tofu, tempeh, and edamame.

    4. Fish: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality protein.

    5. Chicken: A lean source of complete protein.

    6. Beef: Provides complete protein along with essential vitamins and minerals 

Nutrient Milk Protein Plant-Based Proteins (e.g., Pea, Rice, Hemp)
Complete Protein Yes No (except for soy)
Protein Quality High (due to balanced amino acid profile) Moderate to Low (often need combining for balance)
Digestibility High (easy to digest and absorb) Variable (some may be harder to digest)
Fat Content Moderate Low to Moderate
Fiber Content Low High (good for digestive health)
Calcium High (supports bone health) Low (unless fortified)
Iron Moderate Variable (some plant proteins are rich in iron)
Vitamin B12 High Low (usually absent in plant-based proteins)
Environmental Impact Moderate (higher water use and emissions) Low (more sustainable and eco-friendly)

Aside from nutrition, it's the taste.

Unlike some plant-based proteins, which can have a gritty texture and a pronounced earthy or bitter aftertaste, milk protein ensures that todo tastes really really good. 

Compared to plant proteins, todo will always win on taste. Silky smooth, no after taste and quite simply it tastes like a Strawberry milkshake. We guarantee it. Try it out and let us know.

 Learn more about our Ingredients and Nutrition

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